Friday, October 24, 2014

Top 10 Cats

*note this is from a website I use to write for before it died*

TodayI want to talk about one of my most favorite things ever!

Cats! The internet is full of them; you cannot go onYouTube, Facebook or even your news of choice without seeing a viral video of a cat.

Judging by the internet because we all know that is the only thing that matters you would think that there would be more Cats in videogames? I find they are not a popular as dogs.

So here are some cats that you may know of. I’m not including big cats, like tigers or lions (or bears oh my!) these are our cuddly house cats…Or variations of them


10. Lethe- Fire Emblem- I have her on the very top of the list because she is an optional character is Fire Emblem.She is also kind of a bitch, but has a soft side for her twin sister. Like most woman trying to make it, she has to voice her opinions loudly, to get far in life.

9. Katt Monroe -Star Fox 64- She doesn’t make much of an appearance which is why I put her up so low. Heck you can play through Star Fox and not even know that Cat is in the game at all.  She comes to help you destroying the base onMacbeth, and defending the Great Fox. When she was introduced, she knew Falco already and seemed to have had a close relationship with him. Katt also assisted on either Macbeth or Sector Z, depending on Star Fox's choice of destination after Zoness; makes me wish that she was a partof the game more. Her character was expanded on in the Star Fox manga series, that I haven’t read, but even for a short time she was handy to have around in Star Fox 64

8. Pokémon Cats- In generation one the of the most recognizable Pokémon characters besides Pikachu was Mewoth. He is the only known Pokémon that can speak to humans without the use of psychic ability. As a Pokémon, he is not that great even after it evolves to Persain. There are a lot more Pokémon cats now! Skitty, Mewostic, Glameow, and Purrloin to name a few. I have to admit I am not an expert on the newer generations, but I do remember getting very excited every time I found a wild Pokémonthat looked like a kitty.

7. Blinx- I admit to not having played this game for the Xbox. I didn’t own one when it came out, and but after doing some research I think I recall a few things about the series. This was one of the first games to have the Time Manipulation gimmick. Where when you screw up you can rewind the game and fix your mistake. The game spawned one sequel,- Where he is a NPC- and it didn’t make it onto the Xbox 360 so I am assuming that the series didn’t go anywhere after that. Blinx is described as brave and ambitious young Time Sweeper. He is also clever, cunning, quick- So an overall generic hero. If I could find this game I would pick it up, but I haven’t heard anything about it in years so who knows.

6. Felicia-Darkstalkers-She is probably one of the more well-known characters from any fighting game, mostly because of all the porn there is of her. I mean people come on; she is a nun…That knows wrestling, but still. Felicia once you know how to control her can be a very useful. She hits hard and can get up in your grill, if you let her. 

5. Ratchet-This is another game that I have never played, but I know who Ratchet is. I didn’t have many games for my PS2, and never was able to afford a PS3 so I have not played a single Ratchet and Clank game. So I’m not putting him as my number one for that reason. Yet, I know that his games were pretty good at first. Ratchet was one of the contenders for a PlayStation Mascot which I don’t think anyone ever decided on did they?

4. Uriko- She is by far one of the cutest characters I have ever seen in a fighting game. Epically one entitled Bloody Roar.  Uriko is the youngest fighter, and ultimately has the most potential. She is known as the half/beast because she is only able to tap into half of her power. That doesn’t matter to me though, after she performs her special move, she gets dizzy, and that moment shows an opening weakness, but her personality shines!

3. Klonoa- This is another game that I haven’t played myself but recently I noticed that it has been rediscovered. It looks SOOOOO CUTE!! I guess that is what makes it a cat game, there has to be some level of cuteness in my mind, and I don’t care if that is a personal opinion or not.Klonoa comes from the PS era, and is mainly a side scrolling platform, but it’s the story and the atmosphere that makes it appealing and fun.

2. Cait Sith-No one uses him…I’m not going to lie I never really cared for Cait Sith as a character. For a while I didn’t understand that he was a robotic cat, and who was actually controlling him. It was the black guy in Shinra. I should do research but who doesn’t know Final Fantasy 7, or Cait Sith.  Though, there was a moment with Cait Sith that I will never forget. I was watching my Boyfriend play FF7 and he was trying to defeat Ruby Weapon. Cait Sith’s Slots Limit Break, and defeated Ruby Weapon in one hit. It truly was amazing

1. Ghost Trick- There are major spoilers for this game right here…Just mentioning the fact that there is a cat in the game can throw people off.

But here it goes anyway!

Sissel- Threw the entire game, Sissel cannot remember who he is, so he trying to find his memory a long with who murdered him. He discovers that he isn’t who he originally thought he was, not a man, but a little black cat.Throughout the game Sissel doesn’t really understand what is going on, but right away has strong since of heroism. Once he discovers his power of Ghost Trick, he uses it to save Lynne who was murdered by an assassin. He says it is only to find out who he really is, but Sissel also saves other lives. It was nice to see how Sissel’s story ended as well. I may have spoiled a plot point but I don’t want to spoil the ending!  

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