*note this is an article form an old website*
Cell Phone Games have become very popular in the past few years, and I am really hoping they will continue.
Some practices are really dumb, mostly the “Pay money and win the game faster” practices, but not all games do that thankfully.
Here are a few games I recommend because I have them on my mobile device. These are not really a top list or anything just a few games that I think are fun.
Monkey Island 2, LeChuck’s Revenge (special addition)-I picked this up from a sale last year around the time that Lucas Arts (RIP) was shut down. I had never really played point and click adventure games (besides Nancy Drew) and was really drawn to the Monkey Island series.
Really I think point and click adventures can find a home on the touch screen device (DS and Wii U included, but I don’t think that will ever happen).
Besides the game being filled with lot of fun characters and interesting puzzles, I found it really easy to use a touch screen, and it didn’t make the game less difficult. So if you can, pick it up.
Plants vs. Zombies- OMG this game!! I don’t know how many times this game has saved me from boredom on a long trip. I really hope people are reading this and their reaction is “No s** Sherlock” because there really isn’t anything to say about this game. It would be like talking about Angry Birds.
FYI I will not be talking about Angry Birds because I really stink at the game.
Falling Star- This is a totally free game, and a totally rip off of Doodle Jump. I like it so much because it is free, and really addicting. Unlike Doodle Jump you don’t have monsters attacking you, so your only goal is to get higher. Once you fall, you think “I can get higher than that” rinse and repeat. The fact that you can unlock little outfits for your Star (the main character) is a cute little jester as well.
Pocket God- I found out about this (Free) game when I didn’t have an IPod or IPhone. I played it on my friend’s phone at lunch one day, and almost forgot to eat. Needless to say, when I did get my first touch screen device this was on the list of things to get. This game brings out my sadistic side. I wish I didn’t get so much pleasure out of screwing with the lives of the Ooga’s (I called them minions). I don’t actually know if this game is still free, but if anything it is a good stress reliever.
Robot Unicorn Attack (The first one) - I got this game for .99 in a sale from Adult Swim. I had played it originally on the computer, but I find it so much easier on the phone. I think it is the reaction time, it doesn’t feel off, so I’m able to time my jumps correctly. The sequel to this game was free for a while (it still might be) and my co-workers were really into it, but I didn’t have as much fun with that one. I think it had to do with the customizable Unicorns. It made the game to easy.
And Finally
Puzzle Agent 1 + 2- It should be no surprise that I like Puzzle games, so it should be obvious why I enjoy these games so much. I only revisit games when they touch that special place in my heart. The story, the humor everything about these games keeps me coming back and playing more.
In light of the old saying show, don’t tell here are a few things that you will experience in Puzzle Agent. A Nordic Hippy Cult, living garden gnomes, a sexy spy, a sasquatch enthusiast, crazy people, astronauts, the FBI do I need to go on?
Maybe I should...
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